Thursday, February 6, 2014

Book supplement (after receiving additional information and upon further reflection)

It would only be natural to ask, “Why is there a need to supplement this book only a few months after its release?” Actually, the answer is quite straightforward. After submitting the final manuscript, I did not spend the months utilized by the publisher to complete the design, layout, editing, printing, and distribution of this book in isolation from the subject of Robert E. Lee photographs. 

During this time many collectors, dealers, and historians continued to submit to me their photographs of Lee for my opinion and analysis, as well as the results of their own study of the subject. Bits of interesting documentary information have turned up in some rather obscure publications of the period which have just recently been brought to my attention. Within this growing body of material, I have gleaned some additional information that helps “flesh out” some of the more sparsely covered topics in the book.

This window of time between my manuscript’s submission and the release of the book also allowed me (perhaps my own most severe critic with the exception of Dr. John O’Brien) to double check my sources and facts as submitted. Beside a few minor things like misspelled names and slightly inaccurate dates and such, one significant error was noted regarding Alexander Gardner’s fine photographs of Lee which needs to be pointed out and explained. However, upon reflection and further study, my conclusion regarding this particular photograph remains unshaken. More details to follow in subsequent posts.

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